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My Affair Came Out on My Birthday

Stories for blogger aja. What Skills Are You Lacking as a Startup CEO?. Four things I learned this week about racism in the United States. Unthinkable Life Lessons from Jim Carrey That Will Make You Feel Superhuman.
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Stories for blogger aja
Today's highlights
The unforgivable story of how I tore my own life apart
"I know more about building a company than you do," "John," my co-founder and VP Engineering said to me.
brett fox in The StartupMember only content3 min read
Another week. Another hashtag. Another Black name: #JacobBlake. Shot seven times by police, now paralyzed…
Urjasi RudraMember only content7 min read
"10 minutes before you die this overwhelming sense of peace comes over you."
Tim Denning in The AscentMember only content7 min read
In case you missed it
Upon graduating from business school in 2005, I had two job offers to choose from. The first one was a market…
For Data Scientists
How to go from fight-or-flight into rest-and-digest within minutes, as told by scientists.
Quick reads
Intimacy is more than the physical joining of two bodies engaged in sex.
It's a whole lot bigger than him.
This guy could care less about diversifying your portfolio
Best in Relationships
Can we really talk about Joan and Toni?
Arielle Gray in ZORAMember only content5 min read
Best in Science
As Future Human's resident biotech reporter, I was thrilled by the news this morning that Jennifer Doudna…
The tiny insects could simultaneously tackle three of the biggest environmental issues in the United States
Best in Cryptocurrency
What the steam engine tells us about Ethereum's ability to scale DeFi
Nic Carter20 min read
Most read
Two years ago, my husband of 18 years took his life. I'm still coming to terms with why.
It's what you don't see that matters the most
Editors' picks
Only by dismantling unjust systems can we imagine a future that is healthy, just, and truly free
Colin Kaepernick in LEVEL9 min read

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